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Google will officially retire third-party cookies in 2023 - What does this mean for the automotive industry?
Jul 15, 2022
Data, Dealers, Industry News, Technology
The elimination of third-party cookies will cause a huge shift in digital marketing. The automotive industry is especially vulnerable, relying heavily on third-party data strategies to connect with new customers, drive qualifying leads, personalize offers, and deliver that relevant customized message people have come to expect from you. So how do you prepare yourself for this shift?
Auto dealers now is the time to establish a strong first-party data strategy. First-party data is the information shared directly by a customer to a brand they know they can trust. It often is extremely comprehensive including real purchase intentions and brand preferences. With data like this available in your database, why were you even using third-party data in the first place?
While there are many customer data platforms that will pull your data from multiple sources and create a unified customer database, a customer data platform is not a set-it-and-forget-it first-party data solution. The quality of your data makes all the difference. The data needs to be organized and managed with a strategy in mind, one that enables you to optimize your marketing dollars by pursuing the right buyer. Along with strategy, regulations and privacy must be considered when dealing with customer data. Finding or training someone internally can be very time-consuming, that is why finding a data partner with years of experience and expertise will often be the best route.
Dealer Wizard can be your trusted partner in pivoting your data strategy to fit the future digital marketing space. We empower dealers to generate business instantly with our sophisticated data-driven software, targeted marketing solutions, and a world-class team. At Dealer Wizard, we are obsessed with driving ROI for our clients. Our proprietary software automatically analyzes thousands of customer data points and behavioral metrics to provide your team with the ability to generate incremental profits in both the Sales & Service departments.
*This article was published by Dealer Wizard on July 14, 2022.