Record and Train
SmartEye is a transaction-based video and audio recording system ideal for training, quality control and liability protection. SmartEye digitally records and archives F&I transactions in full color, high-quality video and audio. It's a quality control tool that helps dealers assure that every customer receives professional and ethical service and information during every transaction.
Record and Train
Instant Access to Archived Transactions

Recorded transactions are uploaded to secure servers within minutes of a deal, where they are stored in a searchable database so that dealers may easily and instantly access needed data via the Internet from anywhere in the world. This gives the dealer instant access to customer transactions, as opposed to manually searching through paper logs and storage rooms full of bulky VHS tapes.
Superior Training

Dealers can use recorded transactions as a highly effective F&I training tool to assure that staff have the most practical, real world guidance available. Dealers control who is able to log in and review videos, so dealers may elect to have professional outside trainers review videos for compliance purposes.
SmartEye F&I Witness

The SmartEye F&I Witness service ensures that proper disclosure and compliance steps were taken by performing a video analysis of a random sampling of transactions at a given dealership. Dealerships choose from a list of compliance questions or create their own and IAS performs the analysis of up to fifteen transactions per F&I manager per month. F&I Witness helps dealerships reduce compliance risks and automate the review process by providing dealerships with a monthly report on all transactions reviewed. This security package also leverages the benefits of other compliance measures that are in place at the dealership by ensuring that they are utilized on a regular basis.
Discover How Smart Your Business Can Be
Request a demo today, and let us show you exactly how our SmartDealerProducts can help your dealership achieve more than you thought possible.
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